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Uzwanamina to fully control your lover without anybody interfering


Uzwanamina; is an African medicine (Muthi). This muthi’s meaning follows the meaning as well, ‘Zwana’ means hear/listen whereas ‘Mina’ means me.

With this then Zwanamina means ‘hear only me than them, or listen to me than them, do as I would wish or want you to do.

This muthi is for lovers who have always wanted to have control over their partners, have always wanted their partner to dance on their tunes or to do as they command.

  1. Does your lover question your decision?

  2. Does your lover never listen to your needs?

  3. Does he/she drop your decision and follow other decisions?

  4. He or she doesn’t want to listen to you when you tell him/ her something?

  5. Is your lover big headed that he/she doesn’t want to do things as you have told him/her?

  6. Does he/she do as his family or other people tell him/ her to do but not as you have said?

  7. Do you argue with your partner over things other people tell him about you or relationship?Does his/her family have influence in every decision you make or do they stick their nose in your relationship or marriage and make decisions for you?

  8. Does your lover give his family everything they ask me and when you demand something he/ she never gives it to you?


If you in the above situation or something similar to this then Dr Peterson  the best African sangoma has got the powerful binding zwanamina muthi to make your lover listen only you.

  1. Do you want your lover to do as you command?

  2. Do you want your lover to dance at your tune?

  3. Do you want your love to do as you say?

  4. Do you want your partner to obey you and what you say?

  5. Do you want your lover to listen to only you?

This muthi has been used much by the women who want to fully control their men without anybody interfering. Other parents would use it to control their sons and daughters that they listen to them over their love partners or anybody else. This is where you find a man or a woman being controlled by his or her own family as in how he/she should live his or her love life. You are with the person you love so much and you fully committed to the relationship you have together but when it comes to decision making this person is a small child of his father and mother who has to confirm with them if he/she can carry on with the plans of his or her love life, it’s so bad. In the other hand the girl/ woman can use Zwanamina to distance the guy from his family whereas in some few cases some guys do that to their women.

Entrust all your worries and fears in the zwanamina muthi will fight all your communication battles outside influences, with your partner for you. Now order your zwanamina muthi spell now and have it cast for by the Prof. Muko. In just 6 days you will see changes in your relationship or marriage

Questions? Call US:  +27-71-045-0214
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